BAM President Pick
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The End of October Continues into May!

May 6, 2020
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Our Books-A-Million President’s Pick, The End of October continues to dominate headlines, with a new review by NPR’s Scott Detrow just this morning.  This timely thriller follows a lethal, unknown virus ravaging the world, while a high-ranking CDC official races to find the origins and cure.

Detrow points out that Lawrence Wright’s journalistic background serves as an engaging and solid foundation that becomes “the unexpected star of the novel.” Wright’s research about pandemics and disease grounds the thriller into present day.

The novel has many twists-and-turns, and as the “disease storyline merges with eco- and cyberterrorism plots” it “gradually moves from an urgent existential warning to an escapist entertainment.” The often relatable novel quickly takes off into a nail-biting, action-packed thriller. Normally it would be hailed as the perfect beach read, but in these times, it is the perfect couch read!

At Books-a-Million, we are in total agreement with Detrow’s rave review. Our Books-a-Million President, Terrance G. Finley, chose The End of October as his President’s Pick because of its “historical perspective, strong characters and emotional punch” that makes it truly the story of our times.

Read the book everyone is talking about, available for purchase here!

NPR Review

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