All the Little Hopes is a powerful and thought-provoking coming-of-age story by Leah Weiss, author of If the Creek Don't Rise. Centering on two 13-year-old girls in World War II-era North Carolina, the book explores friendship forged by a unique blend of childhood adventures and dark, adult realities.
Lush with Southern atmosphere, All the Little Hopes is the story of two girls growing up as war creeps closer, blurring the difference between what's right, what's wrong, and what we know to be true.
Seeking excitement beyond what their quiet town has to offer, the girls set out to solve mysteries, inspired by the Nancy Drew books that Lucy loves to read. But what they stumble upon becomes more than what they bargained for when a man goes missing, a woman stops speaking, and the town becomes home to a Nazi prisoner-of-war camp.
As the girls embark on a journey they never expected and exciting mysteries give way to uncertainty and crucial questions, they are left wondering if it is ever possible to truly know who the enemy is.